

ABTC has standards for Animal Trainer, Animal Training Instructor, Animal Behaviour Technician and Clinical Animal Behaviourist 

Download ABTC Animal Trainer Standard

Download ABTC Animal Training Instructor Standard

Download ABTC Animal Behaviour Technician Standard

Download ABTC Clinical Animal Behaviourist Standard

Veterinary Behaviourist (VB) is a Clinical Animal Behaviourist who is also a MRCVS or FRCVS.

Practitioners who are on the ABTC Register may use one of the the following post nominals:

ABTC-AT for a practitioner on the Animal Trainer register

ABTC-ATI for a practitioner on the Animal Training Instructor register

ABTC-ABT for a practitioner on the Animal Behaviour Technician register

ABTC-AAB for a practitioner on the Accredited Animal Behaviourist register

ABTC-CAB for a practitioner on the Clinical Animal Behaviourist register

ABTC-VB for a practitioner on the Veterinary Behaviourist register

You will find more information in the ‘FAQs for Practitioners’

Download the ABTC Code of Professional Conduct 

Information for AAB, CAB and VB regarding Veterinary referrals

Information for Veterinary professionals regarding referrals to AAB, CAB and VBs

What does it mean to be on the ABTC practitioners register?

Here is a short video to explain




Organisations (Practitioner, Advisory and Supporting) are members of ABTC, not individual practitioners. 

If you would like to be placed on the ABTC practitioner register, you need to be a full member of one of the Practitioner Organisations . You can see which roles they are able to register next to their names AT (Animal Trainer), ATI (Animal Training Instructor), ABT (Animal Behaviour Technician) and CAB (Clinical Animal Behaviourist).

If you are an assessed practitioner of one of the Practitioner Organisation Members then you can ask – via your admin/office – to join the appropriate ABTC register.  There is an annual fee for entry on the register.  

Acceptance on the register lets clients/professionals know that your organisation has assessed you to the appropriate ABTC standard (listed above).

Continuing Professional Development

Members of ABTC Practitioner Organisations are expected to continue learning to keep up to date with developments and increase their knowledge.  This CPD has to be declared to your Practitioner Organisation each year.  ABTC audits these returns.